
Whats in a Name, eh!?

With an hour more to go for the train to arrive, i have already exhausted all mediums of passing time. The slowly setting temperature is bringing mist in the atmosphere, and i find no respite from mosquitoes who are getting a piece of me with irregular regularity. I am reminded of an incident that happened some 8 years back when i was in school, i was slimmer, with greater amount of hair covering my head, and i just loved my cycle.
It was the time when malayalam film industry was going through a tough time and it was the flourishing soft porn industry that was pulling the industry through the times. Shakeela with her more than ample assets was its queen and was very famous and notorious.
It was one of the days in those times, i was ill and waiting for my turn at a local clinic in my hometown. Apart from me, waiting for their turn were a middle aged muslim lady, another middle aged lady with her little kid and a group of 3 youths, of which visibly only one was ill and the other two were accompanying. Those guys were having a great time, talking and cracking jokes among themselves in hushed tones.
The clinic being a small one, the doctor had no attendant and she used to call the patient whose turn it was by his/her name.
'SHAKEELA' the doctor called.
The bulky muslim lady got up and as she trudged her way towards the doctor's room, i could see one of the guys laughing on something the other guy had commented on. The sick guy was finding very hard to stop his laughter. Just as the lady was about to step into the room, the laughter exploded among them and was very audible throughout the small clinic.
The woman turned and started hurling curses and abuses at the young guys group. She got support from the other lady and the little kid started jumping and running around excited by all the commotion. The doctor rushed out of her room and alleviated muslim lady's anger and pulled her into the room.
Each in the group wore a embarrassing o-god-make-me-invisible look.
All i could do was to think 'whats in a name, eh!?'


Posting from my Mobile

Just to test whether i can put up my posts through mobile gprs.

Its raining too heavily and the electric supply has been lost for more than an hour now. As the rains persisted throughout the day, the climate is cool, but these bloody mosquitoes.............aargh!!!
I am gonna kill them all.

I will be back. Chao!!